Glen Albyn Manager's House 1917


This image depicts the Glen Albyn Manager's house during World War 1, when it was utilised as part of the US Naval base. The presence of the Star Spangled Banner in the image is significant, as it represents the establishment of the first US base on UK soil.

It is worth noting that the house holds importance in the legacy of both Telford Street distilleries. After the 1920 takeover by Mackinlay and Birnie, Glen Mhor became the designated residence for the manager of both sites, according to my existing research. In 1930, Robert Robertson became the first person to occupy this role and the accompanying house during his tenure as Glen Mhor manager.

Robert resided at the house until his passing in 1937, as confirmed on his gravestone in a nearby cemetery. We also have several plans of the house and work connected to it dating from 1895, which I'll be publishing here in due course. 

It is possible to trace the links to Glen Mhor back further. It is likely that John Birnie, who was the former manager of Glen Albyn, resided in the house upon his arrival to help revive Albyn in 1885. It appears that there is a possibility that he may have returned to the house in some form during the 1920s. This was done as part of a partnership with the Mackinlay family, during which Glen Albyn was acquired. It is worth noting that he would have used it for meetings, receptions, and daily work, however it unlikely that he used it for other purposes i.e. a residence, given that his family home was located nearby at Balnafettack farm.

My thanks to Inverness Here & Now on Facebook for this image. 


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